Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Check it out!

One of my favorite people has just gotten a blog! Patsy Clairmont is so funny! Check her out!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Happy, Happy Birthday , Baby!

Yesterday (the 14th) was My Princess's birthday. My baby is 3 years old! We took her to sears to get her pictures taken. We were going to have pics with JR, too, but after the first one, he just cried! After pictures we took her shopping at Toys R Us where she got to pick out her present. If you've ever seen "Barbie: Island Princess", she picked a Princess Ro playset... She loves it! and then off to the Dairy Queen for ice cream! No party this weekend, we are going to have family over Easter Saturday.

I'm so glad I decided not to have her party this weekend. I went to the doctor this morning because now I'm sick with a sinus infection!

Enjoy the pics! :)

Sunday, March 9, 2008

My crazy life!

Well, since I wrote last, JR has been taken to the doctor for bronchitis and an upper respiratory infection. He is on his last dose of antibiotic. He also went in for a 1 month check-up and he is now 9 pounds! He is in the 50th percentile for weight for his age.

I also had my Princess in to the doctor with a 103.8 fever. She has an ear infection and swollen glands. So, she is also on antibiotics. My princess turns 3 on the 14th of March!

I have been fighting some cold bug again. I went to bed with my throat starting to hurt last night.

My prince has been fighting a cold too. To top things off, he flies out at 4am Monday for 3 days in Texas for work.