Sunday, March 9, 2008

My crazy life!

Well, since I wrote last, JR has been taken to the doctor for bronchitis and an upper respiratory infection. He is on his last dose of antibiotic. He also went in for a 1 month check-up and he is now 9 pounds! He is in the 50th percentile for weight for his age.

I also had my Princess in to the doctor with a 103.8 fever. She has an ear infection and swollen glands. So, she is also on antibiotics. My princess turns 3 on the 14th of March!

I have been fighting some cold bug again. I went to bed with my throat starting to hurt last night.

My prince has been fighting a cold too. To top things off, he flies out at 4am Monday for 3 days in Texas for work.

1 comment:

Shel said...

Awww, I'm sure you can't wait for Spring to get here and all these crazy colds can go away for awhile! Your babies are gorgeous. I hope you are holding up okay, I know it's tough to have your hubby away so often and so far. Keep in contact!