Friday, February 17, 2012

What is changing in your life right now?


Well... first off... I haven't been here in a while. I want that to change. I want to start writing. I want to start sharing. I want to meet people.

So, to update everyone, My baby turned 4 last week! My little guy is so much fun! He loves snuggles. And helping mom. He's got so much energy and joy.

My princess turns 7 in just a couple weeks! First grade is going good. She's making friends and reading so much! She even learned how to ice skate.

My dear hubby changed jobs. He's home so much more which I love and appreciate. Sadly, this week (Valentine's week) he's been gone. A week of training for his job. But He comes home tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to it!

And for me... so much! I'm learning to eat healthier. I'm enjoying exercise. I'm actually feeling more comfortable in my skin. And I'm not as scared of being intimate with my hubby. That's a long story but I'm hoping to share more as time goes on.

And for us... we celebrate our 10 year anniversary in April. Wow! Can't believe its been that long already! The first 9 were not easy... but we've made it!

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