Hi all! What a weekend it has been!
Thursday I went to my church for a meeting with my pastor about a Bible Study my Prince and I would like to be a part of the leadership. We had just finished when my friend Jan, who helps me decorate the church sanctuary, called to see if I wanted to take down Christmas decorations. I was feeling good, had a sitter and no other plans, so we did!
We were just about done when my sister called and said she was coming to town. She was going to take my Princess and I to her house for the weekend since my prince was going to be stuck out of town until late on Friday. My family was gathering at her house for one last Christmas celebration. Well, after getting home from the church and packing, I felt horrible. Exhausted and like I was going to be sick. My sister has had 4 kids and didn't really want to leave me home alone with my toddler if I was sick, so we went with her.
We got to her house and of course I had to pee... but when I stood up, I discovered my jeans were damp! Great! I'm an hour from my doctor! Maybe it was sweat as her van has heated seats... or maybe I spilt more club soda on my lap than I thought I did. The fear and worry made me feel worse so I called my doctor. Since I wasn't still leaking, he wanted me to try and drink something and eat a cracker and cheese to see if it would stay down. I did my best... and it stayed down, so I thought maybe I just needed sleep. I called him back and he agreed... get rest, lots of it! Thankfully, my sisters oldest (she is 9) happily helped me get My Princess ready for bed.
The next morning I was still feeling weird, but better in a way. But after being up just a short time, I discovered my jeans were damp again. I had a little breakfast, a decent (yet small)lunch and did as little as possible all day. By evening I was feeling kind yucky again. My neice helped get Princess ready for bed. I didn't sleep well that night. Had a weird pain in my side.
When I woke up Saturday morning, I felt horrible! I even threw up a little. I didn't have much in me, which was good. I felt slightly better after that and nibbled graham crackers and drank club soda or ginger ale all day. I managed a little lunch and even a little supper, but by supper time, I noticed damp jeans yet again and decided to call the doctor again. I spoke with a nurse at the birthing center and she decided it would be best for me to come in as soon as possible just to make sure my water hadn't broke. So, My prince and I left my sister's house (and my Princess!) to go to the hospital. On the way there, He held my hand and prayed for me and the baby which made me feel better. Then I made a couple phone calls to people at church to give them a heads up on what was happening. (Jan and I were supposed to finish taking down the decoration son Monday!)
After registering and getting taken up to my room, we waited and I got hooked up to monitors. Baby was very active. Heartbeat was great! My blood pressure was good. They took a urine sample because they were suspicious of a bladder infection, but thankfully that was negative. The test for amniotic fluid was also negative. After talking to the doctor on call, she decided what probably was the case is that baby is at a phase where it wants glucose all the time. If I'm not eating often enough or staying hydrated enough baby takes my supply of glucose leaving me weak and icky feeling. She gave me a glucose iv and sent me home. Since it was already 10:30pm and takes an hour to get back to my sister's, we decided to just go back to our house so I could get a good nights sleep.
This morning I managed to eat a little and drink a little and although I was super tired still, I felt good enough to head back to my sister's house. Princess had done fairly well without us... of course she had Grandma and Grandpa, a couple aunts and several cousins taking care of her!
We ended up have a great day. I am wearing liners to keep from getting too wet (baby is causing too much pressure on my bladder is what they think). But I was able to enjoy most of the food my younger brother (the Chef) prepared. It was wonderful! I slept all the way home. This evening I started feeling weak and sleepy again but My prince was wonderful! Without me asking he went and got me some graham crackers! :)
I'm not looking forward to the week starting. Galen is supposed to be around all week... and his mom may even come to town tomorrow... but I dread feeling worn out and watching Dinah alone. I don't have the energy to fight with her... Pray for me!
BTW, I started taking anti-depressants Thursday, too... Hope they kick in soon!