I had my ultrasound today! Little bugger was too active, they weren't able to get good pictures of the heart and spine, so I may have to have another one in 6 weeks. Baby ways 14 oz right now by their guess, and by the ultrasound figures they think the due date is February 20th instead of the 23rd, but who cares about a couple days difference... The first set of pictures shows baby's face from the front and the second is a foot from the bottom... The second set of pictures show two slightly different profile shots ... baby has one hand raised slightly above its head and the other hand is close to its mouth. We decided not to find out the gender yet... maybe we'll change our mind by the next one. The stinker is breech right now... We still have 4 months for it to flip, but I may do another c-section instead of VBAC... haven't decided. DD was born 3 weeks early and was breech, so I had a c-section with her.
What a beautiful little baby!
My ultrasound is coming up on Monday! SOOOO excited!
Laura, I linked to you on my own blog. Hope that's ok!
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